Thursday, June 9, 2011


this was our last week at Waseda University. official week, that is. i'm going to have to go back to Waseda a few times before i leave Tokyo to meet with students one last time, as well as for Paddy meetings and possibly a Samurai practice. man i can't believe i only have 2 more weeks in Japan! i'm coming back of course, but still, several students are going abroad so i won't see them again until next June, and so i want to meet with them one more time before i leave.

in other news, tomorrow morning i get on a plane to go to HOKKAIDO for 3 days of performing with Odori Samurai in Sapporo's June Yosakoi Festival. our dance is called Bankara ( i don't know why) and every email the past few days has ended with "Let's Bankara!" - it's like our battle cry now. i haven't started packing yet and i have to leave for the airport in like 6 hours. oh dear. of course that isn't stopping me from writing this blog post. sigh.

to be honest, i'm really excited, but i'm also really nervous. i'm nervous about performing, but mostly because my ankles and knees have been hurting A LOT. my ankles have been really swollen every day lately. i've been icing them every night but they're in a constant state of sore and swollen. not good considering we are performing like 6-7 times in the next 3 days...

i'm also really nervous about my lack of Japanese understanding. it could be really difficult. humbling of course, i don't really mind humbling, but i hate to be a burden to those who can speak English, and i'm just nervous....i can't really explain it. i'm praying one of my roommates can speak some English.

please be praying for me this weekend- my main goal of this trip is not to just have fun and perform in a festival, but to build stronger relationships within Samurai and share the Gospel at least a couple times. please pray for wisdom and discernment, for boldness, for opportunities to share the Gospel, that i would meet more people who speak English, that language would not be a barrier or a problem this weekend, and that God would heal my knees and ankles and help them to get through 3 days of performing.

ok i should really pack. hopefully i can get a video of this weekend and post it soon!


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